Tag management systems are helpful tools for simplifying the integration of marketing tags on websites. Instead of integrating each tag individually into the source code of the website, the code snippet of the tag management system is integrated once, which serves as a "container" for the marketing tags and thus enables uncomplicated control. When it comes to tag management systems, there are various providers that prioritise different areas to varying degrees. Tealium iQ and Google Tag Manager (GTM) are among the most common tag management systems and are compared with each other below based on different criteria.
Tealium vs. GTM: The overview
Data is valuable, so it is important to protect it.
Tealium iQ offers a privacy consent banner that can be easily activated and customised to the website layout.
With GTM, a privacy banner can be configured in the setup and then displayed on the website. This allows you to determine for individual tags whether they should be sent or not.
Tealium offers its users a useful library system, which can reduce the effort of a new setup, especially for customers with several websites, and ensures a standardised setup on the different pages. The library is set up once as a separate Tealium profile and can then be linked and used with any number of other profiles. The templates stored in the library can significantly reduce follow-up work.
As a free tool, the GTM does not have a corresponding function.
Links to other tools
Unsurprisingly, Google Tag Manager proves to be particularly strong when used in conjunction with other Google products. So if you use many other Google tools such as Google Ads or Google Analytics, it makes sense to use GTM. Especially for updates, the provision of new and current tags by Google is guaranteed. In addition, the GTM enables the creation of marketing tag templates that can be shared with other users. This creates a large collection of templates that can be used as a template for your own setup.
Unlike the GTM, the Tealium Tag Manager is not brand-bound. This makes the Tealium Tag Manager a good option for working with tags outside the Google universe. It contains a large number of integration options for different tags. The tag templates can be supported in the Tealium setup with additional extensions such as JavaScript or a set data value.
Support and community
Tealium iQ provides its users with support that responds quickly to problems and provides solution-orientated assistance. Once a year, Tealium organises an event for its partners at which topics relating to Tealium products are discussed.
GTM also offers support, but this is only available from the paid version GTM 360. However, all GTM partners receive a monthly newsletter with the latest information about Google Tag Manager.
Both tools also have a large community that provides useful input, tips and assistance.
E-learning and certification
Both tools offer e-learning courses to keep their partners up to date.
Tealium requires three courses with a final exam in order to obtain certification for the Tealium iQ.
Google's e-learning offering is more widely dispersed: various bloggers and Youtubers (e.g. analyticsmania, simo ahava, measureschool) regularly publish new content on the use of Google Tag Manager here.
Server-side tracking
In addition to client-side tracking, both tools also offer the option of server-side tracking.
While Tealium has been offering real-time data analysis in this area for some time with the Event Stream and the Audience Stream, server-side tracking has only recently been introduced with GTM.