Google has updated its Consent Mode, which is of particular importance for website operators that target users in the European Economic Area (EEA)(list of EEA member states). We would like to give you an overview of the scope of this change, point out the necessary steps and explain which website operators are affected.

An overview

Google Consent Mode v2 is an improved version of Consent Mode that allows companies to customise Google tags for advertising and analytics according to user consent to cookies. This ensures that tracking for advertising purposes only takes place with the user's consent. This update complies with stricter data protection rules and aims to respect user decisions and legal requirements, especially in the EEA. The consent options "ad_user_data" and "ad_personalisation" for advertising are new additions.

The effects

From March 2024, the use of Consent Mode v2 will be mandatory for websites aimed at users in the EEA. This will affect you in particular if you offer products or services beyond the borders of Switzerland. Without Consent Mode v2, no personal data of users in the EEA will be collected by Google Ads or Google Analytics 4. Websites that are aimed exclusively at Swiss users will only be affected by this change to a limited extent, as users from the EEA are of little or no relevance.

Your need for action

Whether you need to take action depends on whether your target group is based in the EEA and whether a Consent Management Platform (CMP) is already integrated into your system. We have compiled various scenarios and corresponding recommendations for action for you.

"I have no EEA target group and no CMP": There is currently no need for you to take action, but EEA users who access your site are not recorded.

"I do not have an EEA target group and have a CMP": Check whether Consent Mode is activated and update it if necessary.

"I have an EEA target group but no CMP": It is necessary for you to set up a CMP and activate Consent Mode. We will be happy to advise you on this.

"I have an EEA target group and have a CMP": Make sure that a Google-certified CMP is used. Activate Consent Mode directly in the CMP or, if necessary, using workarounds in the Tag Manager.

At zweipunkt, we deal with the Google Marketing Platform and its updates on a daily basis. We are happy to advise and support you in setting up a CMP and are available to answer any questions you may have about Google's new Consent Mode v2.